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  • 2-3 lbs yams peeled and cut into large chunky pieces
  • Salt and fresh ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2/3c. roughly chopped PECAN YUMMIES
  1. Preheat oven to 450 deg and arrange rack in middle.
  2. Place yams on baking sheet, and drizzle with oil.
  3. Season well with salt and fresh black pepper.
  4. Toss to coat. 
  5. Roast yams until tender – pierced with a knife -about 40-45 minutes.
  6. Melt butter in small saucepan over medium heat until foamy.  
  7. Stir in maple syrup and cayenne pepper and cook about 1 minute.
  8. Place baked Yams into serving dish, stir PECAN YUMMIES into mixture and drizzle on Yams.

Serves 4-6

  • pecan-yummie-med-13-pecan treats-gluten-free snack

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