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Pecan Yummies Logo

As Wyatt says,  “… it tastes a WHOLE LOT better than it looks”, 

and I got my veggies too!!

  • 1-3oz pkg strawberry Jell-O
  • 2 c boiling water
  • 1 -3 oz pkg cream light cheese at room temperature
  • ½ c celery, finely diced
  • ½ c Pecan Yummies, chopped
  • Animal crackers as garnish
  1. Combine the package of Jell-O with the boiling water, stir.
  2. Let cool down some until partially congealed.
  3. Whip in cream cheese.
  4. Add the celery and Pecan Yummies and stir.
  5. Place the mixture into an 9” dish.
  6. Place in refrigerator until gelled.

Garnish around the outside with Animal Crackers. 

  • pecan-yummie-med-13-pecan treats-gluten-free snack

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