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Super Scrumptious Brie


  • 1-16oz Brie Wheel 
  • 3 Tbsp Butter, softened
  • 1/2 cups PECAN YUMMIES, chopped fine
  • 1/2-3/4 cup YUMMIE CRUMMIES 
  • 3/4 cup Craisins 
  • 11/2 Cinnamon 
  • 1 Puff Pastry (9×9 sheet) 
  • 1 Egg White 


  1. Defrost puff pastry sheet as directed and place on baking sheet. 
  2. Slice Brie wheel (thru middle) into 3 pieces (like a sandwich) 
  3. Place 1/3 of wheel on puff pastry 
  4. Combine the next 5 ingredients  
  5. Divide the filling placing 1/3 on the puff pastry and 1/3 on each layer of Brie wheel.
  6. Leave the top layer bare. 
  7. Seal puff pastry over the filled Brie wheel as securely as possible; to avoid leakage when baked. 
  8. The secret is to turn the sealed puff pastry over 
  9. Brush egg white to top and sides. 
  10. Bake in oven at 375 for 30 mins or until browned. 
  11. Serve with crackers. 
  • pecan-yummie-med-13-pecan treats-gluten-free snack

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